first day of school
The first day of school has come and gone. So has the second. Parking was much more bearable than I thought it would be, as the parking lot hadn't filled up by the time I arrived there. Traffic was much worse though. On the first day it took over an hour and a half to get to the parking lot, whereas normally it takes 30-35 minutes. On the second day it still took a little over an hour, but it was caused by a major slowdown nowhere school, and an accident on the bridge going across the American River.
My schedule is kind of messed up right now though. 3 of similar Math classes (I can only take one of the three) are offered this semester. Ideally, I would have my first choice which would be adjacent to the other classes I'm taking, but this class is full and there's no chance of me getting in. On the first day to register I couldn't even get in, so I opted to go for the second choice at the time which is a teacher I don't really want to be in the class with because I don't really like the teaching style of the professor. The third choice is a class that conflicts with a class I signed up for and is only offered in the Fall. I think I'm going to have to take it next fall with the way things are going unfortunately. I'm also trying to get into a History class, but they're all full and I lost the lotteries to get into them, so I'll have to check back in a week. Otherwise I'll have 12 units and no safety net to drop a class that I don't like (and I might not like two of my classes because of the public speaking in them). Oh well, hopefully the rest of the semester goes well. It'll be the first one with nothing on Friday, so I'm happy about that.